Human biorhythms, compatibility of people with different biorhythms

Everyone knows that people have different biorhythms that determine their daily routine and habits. Biorhythms mainly affect sleep and wakefulness. People who tend to get up early and go to bed early are called larks, they have periods of activity in the early morning and afternoon. People who tend to stay awake until midnight and longer, and sleep in the afternoon until lunch, we call owls, because for them, too, a nocturnal lifestyle is closer. The periods of activity of the "owls" fall in the afternoon and evening.It should be noted that owls and larks wake up in different ways: early birds usually wake up easily and in a great mood, the owl takes some time to "rock up", after waking up they are almost always out of sorts. To make it easier for the owl to wake up, it often needs additional stimulants, such as coffee.There is a third type of people who do not have clear time periods of activity, they easily adjust to any schedule, they are called "pigeons", but they are very rare.Why are we so different?The reason for the difference in people's biorhythms is not habit, as is sometimes believed, these reasons are much more complex and deeper. The brain, internal organs and systems, and all cells of the body work in a biorhythm set by nature. One of the reasons is heredity, so attempts to change your schedule usually do not work. The maximum time interval to which you can "transfer" your biological clock is an hour and a half. It is possible to increase this interval, but it will certainly affect your health and well-being. What is predetermined before birth is very difficult to correct.And what exactly is the problem?At the stage of a romantic relationship, a man and a woman rarely pay attention to what biorhythms their chosen one lives by. To many, this seems like a trifle that does not affect the relationship, there are much more important factors. But when a couple starts living together, it becomes clear that this is far from nothing, but a whole problem that can affect many aspects of married life. In the case of a mismatch of biological rhythms, most people still cannot adjust to a partner, and such marriages break up. This happens because the spouses do not have the same periods of active activity and rest. Living under the same roof, they spend little time together. But how different is it if one of the spouses goes to bed at nine in the evening, and the other at three in the morning. Of course, the "owl" will not be able to wake up early, and the "lark" will have to look for a quiet activity all morning so as not to disturb the partner's sleep. It becomes a discovery for them that everything is not as expected - such a pleasure as watching a movie in the evening, going out late or having morning sex becomes a test for one of the partners. At first, there is enough enthusiasm to find the strength to live in a similar rhythm, but over time, nature takes its toll.Usually larks are in a better position, because there is a stereotype in society that early rising is right and useful, and those who sleep for a long time are lazy and lazy. The work schedules of all institutions and organizations are designed for "larks", they do not need to make an effort to do everything in time. And if, for example, the "owl" comes to the market only when he gets enough sleep, then no one will understand this, the most brisk trade is early in the morning. Few people care that a person could work all night and go to bed in the morning. Owl people often consider themselves inferior and guilty, especially if they hear reproaches against themselves. Such a misunderstanding can have a bad effect on the relationship between spouses if they do not respect each other's needs.At the other extreme, one of the partners tries his best to conform to the other's ideas, and over time this will affect his health, well-being and mood and further aggravate the situation.How do I find a way out?In such a situation, there can be only two ways out: to end the relationship or to seek a compromise. If there is love and respect in a relationship, then there will always be a solution. Everyone can make some concessions, it's not difficult at all, but it can be a way out.What steps will help you get closer to a compromise?- In no case do not give a moral shade to the physiological characteristics of the partner's body. Personal qualities absolutely do not depend on how early a person goes to bed.- Do not seek to remake your partner for yourself, he is no worse than you; - Always be on the side of your spouse in controversial situations concerning his regime in front of other family members, relatives, friends;- Do not try to sort things out with your spouse at the wrong time for him, do not plan important conversations or business.Alternatively, each partner can try to shift their schedule slightly towards each other. If you manage to shift by one hour, then you will have two additional hours for communication.Life experience shows that "owl and lark" couples can live soul to soul if they begin to understand each other at the beginning of a relationship. If the spouses learn to spend their time productively and interestingly, without violating the personal space of the other half, then the difference in modes will cease to be a problem. Such couples have one very important advantage - each of them has his own personal time and manages it the way he wants it.The organization of everyday life, taking into account the needs of the partner regime, household difficulties become the cause of misunderstanding in the family. Due to the fact that one of the spouses is active during the rest of the other, it is difficult to keep quiet. But even in a studio apartment, you can make life comfortable. A few simple things can improve the quality of life of spouses:- interior doors will allow you to do your own business without disturbing your spouse's sleep; - several zones with different lighting will give you the opportunity to quietly do your own business, for example, read without disturbing anyone;- headphones allow you to watch TV, listen to music, play games without disturbing the silence in the room.Over the years, everyone will learn not to pay attention to extraneous noise, and will no longer sleep too sensitively.Over time, a competent approach to the allocation of responsibilities will help to allocate time more efficiently. For example, the "owl" can put the laundry in the washing machine in the evening, and the "lark" hangs the laundry in the morning. "Owl" makes preparations for cooking, and "lark" prepares the planned dishes in the morning.It is important to learn how to plan the day so that during the period of joint wakefulness there are cases and tasks that require interaction. If you know that you cannot do without your husband's help in cleaning, do it together during the day. If you need him to move the closet, have him do it in advance so that he doesn't have to be woken up at the wrong time. Put aside everything you can do on your own for the morning or evening, and devote the free time to each other.Sometimes it's worth reconsidering your views on some things. It is customary to go to the cinema in the evening, but there are also daytime sessions. Who said that sex should be done exclusively at night? If night falls for each of the partners at different times, then why not do it during the day, when both partners are full of strength and energy?If circumstances arise that force you to change your regime a little, the difference in biorhythms sometimes helps a lot. For example, when a child is born, parents can easily replace each other, giving them the opportunity to relax in a comfortable time. You can also take turns walking with your child, so the baby will have the opportunity to spend more time outdoors with each of the parents.Loving hearts can handle any difficulties. If a couple has learned tolerance at the very beginning of a relationship, then in the future the spouses will understand and take care of each other. They have passed a serious test of strength together, which is not given to everyone to overcome. Finding common ground only brings people closer together and over time, such couples begin to see and appreciate the advantages of their position. bahisbey giris <br>